
The Other Side

Created by Wyrd Miniatures

Latest Updates from Our Project:

300,000 reached! Stretch Goal unlocked!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 04:00:21 PM

We've been climbing so quickly! We've hit the $300,000 mark, which means a free Adjunct model for all Commander, Dual Commander (2 Adjuncts), and Tyrant (4 Adjuncts) pledges! 

  • If you play Abyssinia, you get the Abyssinian Engineer.
  • If you get the Cult, you get the Raving Madman.
  • If you get the Gibbering Hordes, you get the Morphling.
  • If you get the King's Empire, you get the Sharpshooter.

These models will be included free, and are a nice Asset that gives you a bonus model, giving the Fireteam the model is in access to special rules. These are a great ways to customize your Squads and add a unique flavor.

Thanks for all your support, and we look forward to getting this game into your hands!





Final Units and More!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 08:44:45 PM

Hello everyone,

We're nearing the end of the campaign, and we want to take a moment to again thank everyone who has taken part, asked questions, and supported us. The Other Side is a very large undertaking, and we couldn't have launched this large without all of your amazing pledges. We look forward to providing everyone with an amazing game for years to come!

Let's take a bit to look at the last units. This units have just recently entered playtesting, so they are slightly less refined.

We're still looking for a good name for this Motorcycle, which comes in at 3 Scrip. It's not incredibly hard hitting, but it is powerful. What makes it truly special, though, is its Speed. Taking any Action on a Charge Order can provide great help in many situations.

In Glory, the unit turns it up even further, getting faster and increasing its accuracy. While this unit only has 1 Wound, its high speed and range should help you avoid most enemy fire.

Ah, the Immolated Rhino. Like all the other units being revealed, this one costs 3 Scrip to hire. Specializing in charging (perhaps unsurprisingly), the rhino likes to mix it up in the middle of your opponent's forces, with Consumed By Magic adding some extra protection.

When a rhino is feeling Glorious, all better beware! The Rhino gets even more defenses in the form of Incarnation of Flames. Its actions get better, but perhaps the most useful is its ability to stop Morale actions near it, limiting Commanders and objective interactions.

This sneaky snake has a very accurate short ranged attack that is capable of adding another damage on top, a great way to deal that extra damage to enemy units. With a defense of 7, it is also difficult to hit, let alone put down.

On the flip side, the Eel becomes capable of multiplying -- a scary concept. Given that it also increases to Defense 9, it becomes a bit slippery when you try to kill it.

The Artillery Team is a group of 3 models, giving it a nice 3 wounds (I'd recommend removing the gun last...). It is slow, but with a 36" range and a powerful Strength 6, it can do some real damage. Its AV is low, but when hunting certain Fireteams (like Titans), this is not a large impediment. 

Glory, glory! The Artillery Team's main gun gets a bit more accurate, and the ability to dish out Area is a nice bonus. It also gains another action that can put fear into even the most stalwart of troops.


That's it for the units, so let's talk about some other things as the Kickstarter is coming to a close.

At long last, here's a video of Lindsey throwing models at the wall...

We don't actually recommend anyone throw models at the wall (obviously they can break), but they are pretty sturdy models!

We've got some pictures of some models here:







These pictures are obviously very, very large to show you as much detail as we can.

We've also shipped off a number of minis to some people for reviews, and we expect a few third party reviews of these minis to be available online before the Kickstarter ends. Keep your eyes open for it, and we'll share the links as we get them.

Lastly, I wanted to talk about the rulebook substitution for the Dual Commander pledge. If you are backing at the Dual Commander level, you will be able to substitute one of your rulebooks out for a Kickstarter credit of $45. This can be applied to any add on in the pledge manager.

Once again, thank you everyone for your support and interest. We look forward to getting this game to backers and building a community!

Have a great day,


Final Squads!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 05:34:22 PM

Hello everyone,

We're in the final stretch of the Kickstarter here, so let's look at the last cards for Squads!

Mechanized Infantry come in at 8 Scrip. They have some good ranged attacks and solid Armor, and are able to give each other bonuses with Tracer Rounds.

On the Glory side, they get a bonus of their Combined Arms Fireteam is killed, as well as a nice Trigger on their Machine Guns to fire again.

The Walker that goes with the Mech. Infantry has a nice Battle Cannon attack, making it very effective at range. In addition, it can reduce its Margin Value in order to add suits, making strong hits turn into multiple blows.

When the unit goes to Glory, the Walker does, too. Giving a nice defense to its other Fireteams, a Gloried Walker brings a lot of options to the table.

The Extraordinary Cases Bureau Black Ops team is a might 10 Scrip. The Rogue Agents rule lets them work in cells of 3 and deploy anywhere on the table.

In addition, they have a powerful attack, with a high Strength and a chance to be even higher when targeting enemy Commanders or Titans.

On their Glory Side, the Ops pick up a nice melee attack that automatically makes their enemy lose Glory, making them more effective. In addition, they have a powerful action that effects everyone in between their 3 Fireteams.

Speckled Crawlers are a nice cheap unit, coming in at 4 Scrip for 2 Fireteams of 5 models. Unlike the ranged Barbed Crawlers, this Squad is made for melee.

Speckled Crawlers don't look like much, but once they go to Glory they can really cause problems for your opponent. With free Reinforcement Tokens they become basically impossible to take down. Since they can hand out Reinforcements to nearby units, they also become a prime target for enemy fire.

The Borderers are a 5 Scrip melee squad to shore up the close range capabilities of the Empire. While their ranged attack has a low AV, their melee attack has some power and quite a lot of potential once they start taking damage.

In Glory, this unit has an easy time tar-pitting enemy Fireteams and it gets a small pull ability on enemies.  All in all, they serve as a great melee deterrent in a mostly ranged force.


Well, that's it for today! Thanks for reading, and we'll see you with another update in the next couple of days!

New Assets and Stratagems
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 06:40:31 PM

Hello hello, and happy Friday!

Today we are going to take a look at some of the generic Assets and Stratagems. These can be more widely taken. We'll start with Assets, and with the most generic Asset of all:

This Asset is available to every non-Squad unit in the game, regardless of Allegiance. It gives a cheap option for getting some damage reduction onto your units.

Next, we'll look at the Assets available to the Earth Allegiances (Abyssinia and the King's Empire).

This Asset gives a nice boost to Tactics, a solid gain in play. This coupled with a low Margin Trigger for an Inspired Token makes Medal of Honor a solid choice.

A free Asset, the Marching Boots can help speed up any Commander. There's little gain other than the Speed, but it can be a nice fill in for your Commander choice.

The Battlefield Map is a nice choice for messing with the enemy deployment, forcing them to deploy some units early, giving you an advantage.

For those who like their Reinforcement Tokens in multiples and on every unit, grab yourself a megaphone and shout out your commands.

This Asset is available to all Champions because, well, everyone wants a stylish monocle. It's a nice opportunity to remove a Token of your choice from a unit, and is another Morale Action option for Commanders.

Those are the generic Assets, so let's look at the Earth Stratagems...

Manifest Destiny is a nice choice for gaining a VP and possibly Reinforcement Tokens.

Behind Enemy Lines is always a popular Stratagem, getting more forces on the table, and what's more forcing the opponent to look behind them.

A chance to double Activate a Squad, Expert Training is a great option to get the most out of your favorite Squad.

For when you're being pressed by creepy monsters on all sides: Defensive Formations.

The super-Red Joker, Unwaivering Resolve is expensive, but oh so nice to drop down a 15.

And for those who want to ensure their Commanders stay alive, the Medic can let you save those all important Assets for only 2 Tactics Tokens (1 if you're behind).

Alright, onto the Malifaux Assets! These are for the Gibbering Hordes and the Cult of the Burning Man.

Uncanny Instincts is a solid choice, giving card draw and the ability to Cheat Fate second when attacking, giving the attack a better chance at succeeding.

Relics of Ancient Malifaux is a very powerful form of Reinforcement, allowing the unit to immediately Reinforce. With an 11 or higher, you can even take the action twice.

Unnatural Growth is a great way to punish those players who try to draw a ton of cards during the game.

 An Icon of Ancient Power helps prevent the opponent from shutting a unit down under a pile of Tokens.

Sometimes, you realize you've brought the wrong thing to the battlefield. This is a nice way to switch it up and still have some damage reduction.

A great way to throw off your opponent's battle plan, you can get multiple activations in a row and stop a pesky incoming Charge or Advance.

A nice way to pass out a few Tokens and potentially flip an enemy unit from Glory.

More ways to weaken your enemies, this one works excellently for melee focused Companies.

For 3 Tactics, you can gain VP and draw some cards. A nice choice if you can plan it out well. A great grab when you're behind at only 2 Tactics Tokens.

If you have a few cards in hand, Unchecked Magic can lead to a lot of free actions for your Company, helping to devastate your foes.

Similar to Medic, Spontaneous Healing is a nice way to keep your Commander in the fight.


That's it for today. Thank you everyone for your continued support!

Kickstarter Updated
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 12:57:34 PM

Hi everyone,

I have some great news for you!

With the funding you are currently providing, we're off to a very strong start for this game. We're hoping to push things even further than the initial goal, with a big launch and a lot of available units. To this end, we have managed to lock down some additional funding. By canceling a few other (so far unannounced) projects, we are able to put more funding into The Other Side. We believe very strongly in this game, and we want backers to be able to play it the way we envision it. Some trimming here and there, and we are able to do even more for this Kickstarter.

What this means for backers is that we are able to move all of our add on unlocks directly to the add ons, allowing backers to get the units they are most interested in. Interested in the ECB Black Ops? You can now add them! Want some of the Steel Legion? They're available now!

We are really happy to be able to make this shift in the Kickstarter, making sure our backers are able to start playing day one with the units they want. We will begin posting the unit's rules in updates this week, getting them all out to you over the next few weeks.

What does this mean for Stretch Goals?

Well, it means we get to reorganize all of it, dropping out the add on unlocks. Check out this new map!

Now, every single one of our Stretch Goals adds value to Commander level pledges and above.

We also heard backers' concerns about the number of free models included in this Kickstarter, so we've added more and pushed the value to achieve them down even more. This means the free Squad (for Commander level and above) is in our very next Stretch Goal at $250,000! Tokens, an app, and a free Squad are very close.

You can see the the list of freebies on the map, adding even more value to your Pledges.

As a final part of the update, we've also made a few changes to the front of the Kickstarter, adding in some links to the playtester gameplay videos and to our website showing off model renders. This should help new supporters find all the information they need.

It's great to know that, with your help, we are able to deliver this game at the size we want to. We are so happy to be able to make these changes, and we look forward to sharing more information about all the amazing units in the coming days.

Thank you for your support, and we'll see you on the Other Side!